Friday, July 22, 2005

Moving to Portland, OR

Well the cat is finally out of the bag: Suzy and I are officially moving to Portland, OR. We went through the very painful step of telling my parents, who were accepting that we just won't be satisified unless we try. This is an upsetting development for our friends as well, but I think ultimately much good will come of the move.

Our house is up for sale, and I suspect things will move quickly. We've spent the last many days cleaning up, organizing, and pulling out as much clutter as possible to a storage locker. The house looks great, as does the new lawn We had a broker show on tuesday, which was well received ... especially by brokers who had seen the house two years ago, before we purchased it. We'll see what happens on sunday, our first open house (1pm - 3pm).

In the meantime, we're pairing down our possesions before the move; including the Star Trek: The Next Generation Pinball Machine.

Wish us luck!