Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Long time ... no blog

Been a while since I've posted on this blog; things have been oh so very busy in Howard-land. First, some quick movie reviews:

V for Vendetta: Well, of course it falls apart in the last reel, and of course they weren't true to the book, and parts are just silly, and V isn't crazy enough, and ... it was still good. Natalie Portman is honest to god good in this movie (in fact, she's been good in the few non-Star Warts things I've seen her in).

Inside Man: Spike Lee manages to make a straight forward bank heist movie into something quite unexpected. Yes, there's the expected resentment of Powerful White (Wo)Men but Spike keeps it tense and interesting. Strangely, "flash forwards" to the aftermath of the heist manage to not unravel the tension. Also, the movie's title turns out to be dead accurate, and not in the way you'd think.

Other news ... I'm speaking at this year's JavaOne conference again, but from there Suzie and I will be travelling on to Hawaii's Big Island for two weeks. It's actually our first non-work, non-family vacation since our honeymoon (outside of a week in Portland a year ago that kicked off our move).

We'll be in Boston for my cousin's Bat Mitzvah; arriving on April 27th and returning to Portland on the 1st. Catch everyone then!

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